Sunday Worship – April 21, 2024

Let us begin our worship service by clicking on the video below:

哈巴谷的稱頌 / Habakkuk’s Praise
Speaker: Rev. Danny Reyes (林永健牧師)
哈巴谷書 3:3-15 / Habakkuk 3:3-15

After joining our online worship, a set of guide questions are provided below for your individual reflection or for your K-group or family discussion.
1) 我們在生活中有否經歷到神而認識神?/ In our daily living, have we known God more through experiencing Him more?
2) 2)對神的認識如何影響我們的生活?/ How does our knowledge of God affect the way we live?

Sunday Worship – April 14, 2024

Let us begin our worship service by clicking on the video below:

五旬節 / The Pentecost
Ptr. Bonny Arcayan (蔡文理傳道)
使徒行傳 2:1-13 / Acts 2:1-13

After joining our online worship, a set of guide questions are provided below for your individual reflection or for your K-group or family discussion.

  1. 你的生命有顯出聖靈在你心中運行的能力嗎? / Has your life shown evidences of the Holy Spirit’s empowerment within you?
  2. 依你自己觀察, 你接受主之前與之後, 有什麼改變? / What changes have you observed within you before and after accepting Christ?

Welcome to UECM

Welcome to the website of United Evangelical Church of Malabon. We are a Bible-based church located in Malabon City in the Philippines. We strive to bring honor to God by serving His people and reaching out to others in the surrounding areas. In particular, we aim to meet the needs of the Chinese community, and to equip Chinese Christians to impact the nation and the world for the sake of God’s Kingdom.

Please take a moment to look through our site for more information about our church. We are pleased to share our church and God’s Word with you. We hope that you will come and join us in corporate worship. See you soon!

歡迎您進一步認識嗎哪門中華基督教會。 本會位於菲律賓的 Malabon 區,乃以聖經為本的基要派教會。 宗旨是以服務會友與周遭鄰舍來榮耀上帝,對象為暫居或長住本地之華人,幫助他們認識基督,廣傳福音直到地極, 建立 神的國度。