Sunday Worship – April 28, 2024

Let us begin our worship service by clicking on the video below:

第七個神蹟:拉撒路復活 / The Seventh Miracle: Raising of Lazarus
Speaker: Rev. Terence Lim (林克舜牧師)
約翰福音 11:38-44 / John 11:38-44

After joining our online worship, a set of guide questions are provided below for your individual reflection or for your K-group or family discussion.
1) 信心是什麼?你沒有沒基督形容的那種信心? / What is faith? Do you have the faith that Christ described?
2) 在帶領人歸向基督一事上,你的角色是什麼? / What role are you playing in bringing people to faith in Christ?